what did the whale say when he came out of the water? BLAHHRRAHAHHAAARRRAER

Why did Lisa fall of the swing? Cause she had no arms... A: Knock Knock B: Whos there? A: Definitely not Lisa....

How do you make Yoda sad? Kill all of his friends.

whats worse than a worm in your apple..? getting shot..

A man sat on a chair

What did the tourist in Africa get? A souvenior.

Yo momma so normal, she got married, had three kids and then lived a dull but contented life.

What did the African get for dinner? Ebola Rice

Two muffins are sitting next to each other in the dessert. A hungry and lost man passes by and considered eating one of the muffins. Unfortunately he can't make a decision in time and took of in his 4-wheel drive. The next day a camel walks by and eats one of the muffins. The camel dies instantly, apparently the muffin the camel ate was poisoned. The now not so hungry and lost man looks at the dead camel and noticed the zoo is almost closing now. So he left in a hurry, to cook for his family.

Q: Why did the Asian fail his driving test? A: Lack of concentration on the road and low knowledge of functioning a car.

An innocent man's home was raided by police, who accused him of grand theft auto. It turns out it was just a case of mistaken identity.

There are 2 carrots sitting in a basket. One carrot says to the other; I'm a carrot! The other carrot does not reply, because carrots do not speak. Now consider the possibility, that the first carrot was a talking monkey.

on a scale from a banana to a pound coin - how much do you like the works of antonio vivaldi?

What's the worse thing O.J. Simpson has gotten away with? Running a red light

really? are people insistantly so totally stupid? Now read that again and you may notice something. :P

Why did the black man run out of the shop with items under his jacket? He was shopping for groceries, when his brother texted him, letting him know that his wife had just gone into labour. He then realised that it was a very miserable rainy day outside and he didn't have an umbarella, so he payed for his items, and ran to his car.

What's the difference between a cow and some dirt? They're the same except for almost everything

Why did the student fall asleep during class? He was very tried from staying up too late.

What do you get if you cross a man and a horse? Severe internal bleeding.

If life hands you lemons you're probably hallucinating

What's long, black, and the tip is shaped like a mushroom? A mushroom.

Shiiit the halls with chunks of feces! Fa-la-la-la-la lala-lala! Taken from all sorts of species! Fa-la-la-la-la lala-lala! Bengal tiger, kangaroo, African elephant, blue whale too! Shit the halls with chunks of feces! Fa-la-la-la-lala-lala!

Jane asked her husband why he was crying, he replied "Because i have extremely agressive cancer" hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.....Cancer

Justin Bieber

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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