knock knock Who's there? The repo man Why? You're being evicted

When did the ball-room finally close? Closing time.

Want to burn 3000 calories in under 5 MINUTES? Take a store bought pizza and put it in the over for as long as you want. Just watch the calories burn away in a puff of smoke!

What did the boy with cancer, no arms, and no legs get for his birthday? Nothing he was dead.

yo mamas so fat she probably has to wear a gerdle when she leaves the house.

A doctor walks into a bar. It's his day off and decides to celebrate after a long week of working.

Billy: hey dave, wanna hear a joke? Dave: what? Billy: oh yeah, you are deaf.

What is the difference between a dead baby and a bowling ball? You can't pick up a bowling ball with a pitchfork.

why did the little boy drop his icecream? he was hit by a train

A man is approached by a mysterious character in the streets, offering to tell him a dark and amazing tale. The man declines and walks away.

hi, my name is zack, i have a boner from the girl to my right(;


What do you call a saxaphone playing unicorn, that's flying away to a distant planet on a penguin? a dream

Why did the duck cross the road? Because there was a gunman on the same side of the path and it would most likely be safer to avoid making eye contact

Why was Timmy sore? He'd been playing with his cornhole along with his friends all day!

What did the muffin, say to the other muffin? Nothing. Because muffin's are inanimate objects, therefore incapable of speech, or any other sentient ability. They baked quietly until the man who was baking them came to the conclusion they were fit for consumption, devoured them, and went on with his day.

whats black and blue and has three legs? An abused deformed person.

So, my friend David hasn't always been the sharpest tool in the shed. After all, he is a spoon.

How did bill lose his legs he got them amputated after contracting a severe case of "INeedToGetMyLegsAmputatedSyndrome"

I like my women how I like my ice-cream Out cold.

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo. The prior sentence is a grammatically correct sentence in American English.

A horse walked into a bar and ordered a drink. It was nothing out of the ordinary because the Everett-Wheeler interpretation of quantum mechanics is correct and he lived in a parallel universe in which the roles of humans and horses are reversed.

What did little Suzy get for Christmas? Molested

Whats invisible and smells lile carrots? Rabbit fart

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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We've just released huge update to the iOS app! Now, access all your favorite text and photo sites like Anti-Joke, DIYLOL! A few things didn't make the original cut (like comments) but they'll be back soon. Best of all, the app is now FREE! Get it here.

The Anti Joke Book

NEW ANTI-JOKE BOOK!  Now that we've resolved the printing issues with our publisher, check out the BRAND SPANKING NEW Anti-Joke Book!


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