Why doesn't little billy eat his vegetables at the dinner table... Because billy has bin dead for 3 years

A husband and wife just had a baby, and he came out black.

How do you upset an Mexican? Kill his entire family.

Womens' sports

What does it mean when people say your mom? it means that there name is Hunter

really? are people insistantly so totally stupid? Now read that again and you may notice something. :P

What did one wall say to the other? Walls don't talk.

All these jokes are very entertaining, but if you look closely, Lebron clearly travels. Wheres the call ref what the hell.

Yo momma is so stupid people make fun of her for her learning disability

Why did the one friend hate the other friend? Because the one friend didnt do a map for social studies he should've done and skipped school for that class and when he came back, the other friend told the social studies teacher he was here and he had to turn in an unfinished poster and now he is a crybaby bitch about it.

What did the potato say to the man It said nothing it is a potato

A man walks into a bar with an octopus. He tells the bartender that his octopus can play any instrument. The bartender gives the octopus bag pipes. The octopus fiddles with the bag pipes but can't seem to play them. The man gives the bag pipes back to the bartender and leaves with his octopus. He is quite embarassed and decided to get bagpipe lessons for his octopus.

Guess what I saw today?..........Nothing I'm Blind.

Yo mamma is so weird most people try to avoid her.

If there's something strange in your neighborhood. Who ya gonna call? The Police.

Roses are red Violets are blue Sunflowers are yellow You were probably expecting a poem or something but no this is just a gardening fact

You see the love of your life. You can't say anything. She walks toward you. You can't move. She sits on you. You can't do anything. She starts crapping on you. You realize your a toilet. -Adam Chebali

What do you get if you cross a man and a horse? Severe internal bleeding.

Why did the little girl fall off the swings? Because she had no arms or legs.

Have you heard about the angry chef? He beat his children

What is white and fluffy? A cotton ball.

Q: How do you make babies cry? A: Throw a brick at it's face.

No, we are all different, none of us are the same, you however, have no match, your ability to think influence and inspire even today, is unmatched. It is he who is unmatched, who stands alone.

If life hands you lemons you're probably hallucinating

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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