why did the baby fall down the stairs? i pushed it.

Tool will release their 5th album this summer.

Why did the boy drop his ice cream? I shot him in the face.

Help! I've fallen and I can't get up.

What happens when you cut down a tree? It falls over.

A man was about to be assassinated. The assassin said "do you have any last wishes? The man said he wished that a meteor would fly down and kill the assassin. A meteor actually did come down but that was predicted years back. The meteor fell on the assassin and killed him, the man, and any living thing aboveground on Earth.

What did Mary say to Vishnikharmut? You're name is weird. What did Vishnikharmut say to Mary? Your grammar is incorrect.

how do you crash a party? You dont because that would be rude.

Why did Steve put his trumpet in the fridge? He had begun the early stages of dementia and was becoming increasingly confused and detached from reality. Also he was German.

what did a ginger say to god? nothing gingers dont have souls and therefore cant go to heaven

Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to your house... Knock, knock Who's there? The chicken.

how many dead babies can you fit into a blender? 17 how do you get them out? Tortilla chips, but you'd be arrested by that time anyway because you just murdered 17 babies

Why did the boy lose his change? He had no Pants Why did the boy have no pants? The Holocaust

What did one Black college student say to another? What is your major?

Why did the editor lose his job at a poetry magazine? Because he's worthless.

your father died

What's red and bad for your teeth? A brick.

why did the chicken cross the road i hate it when people ask questions they already know the answer to

Why did the cow cross the road? He probably saw a delicious looking patch of grass on the otherside.

Roses are red violets are blue suck my **** and I'll **** you too

Why couldn't the blind man drive? His sight impairment made him unable to fulfill the task without harming himself and potentially other people.

How many women does it take to arrange my new Ethan Allen furniture? Just one, I was told it was divorce present. She took it with her.

why was the boy mad? He had a lot of homework that evening


Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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