A paraplegic women falls off a boat. Regardless of the fact that she was wearing a properly inflated flotation device, she still managed to drown. She died instantly, the next day.

Whats sad about 4 black guys in a cadillac driving over a cliff? A cadillac seats 5

What do a black man and an elephant have in common? They are both multi-cellular organisms, they both belong to the kingdom Animalia, the phylum Chordata, and the class Mammalia, they both possess vertebrae, they both move through legged locomotion, they both possess knee joints and they both possess the capacity for altruistic behavior.

A man tells his wife to leave the kitchen

A man walks into a bar. Nothing happens that's worth explaining.

My friend Keith found a worm in his apple. He ate it anyways

What did the kid with no legs get for Christmas? A new pair of shoes

Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 murdered 4 and 5 then raped 10

What did Darth Vader say when he spilled his drink? Darth Vader is a fictional character and is not a part of humanity.

Why did the man go to the barber? To get a haircut

Yo mamma's so old... oh way no she's dead

How many people buried in a cemetery are dead? All of them.

What can u see in the dark that u can't see in the light? Absolutely nothing

What job did the black man apply for?.. Several, its a downward economy.

What's red, blue, green, yellow, pink, purple, orange, teal, light green, brown, black and white? Colours, except for black and white, for they are the absence and amalgam of all colours, respectively.

Why did the burglar rob the bank? because he needed money due to the economic decline.

Paris Hilton spend 2 whole days in the slammer due to possesion of narcotics. I would have gotten 20 to life... no... it's not funny...

Guide on how to make the color yellow for yourself! First, you grab green, and then you remove all the blue... AND YELLOW COLOR GET! While you are reading this I am fingering your sister... WHAAAAT? She is only a baby you say? Well... Moral: Ugh... The ending was so wrong in so many ways... I should totally rewrite this and call it EXTENDED DIRECTORS EDITION... I cant bother... Oren The laroM naM! OR !naM laroM ehT oreN So anyway, Christiaaaans, its ask and you shall receive right? Virgin Mary is not virgin anymore because I asked if you know what I mean... ;) NOW FIRE THE STORM OF RED THUMBS MWAHAHAHAHAHA I AM THE HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALPYSE! I AM THE RED DRAGON.... OR EVEN WORSE... I AM THE DARK LORD SANTA!!!!!! Nevermind, ugh... Santa is just too disgusting, sorry, I meant Satan, phew, thats a relief on my concience... I should probably take my finger out of your sister... ...And insert the GREAT BIGGUS DICKUS! Your sister only two years? Ugh... Well, SHE WILL GROW INTO IT... Ugh, I dont wanna post this, but I bet Ryu sometimes dont want to go HADOUUUUKEEEEEEN Just so a slow projectile takes of like 2 percent of his enemies life... SO... One TWO TH... Oh wait, I must solvemedia first. Ice to meet you? Thats pathetic.

What do boats and starving children have in common? They both float, except for the starving children.

why did the chicen cross the road? because it saw an excellent deal on hair products on the other side of the street.

What's black and white and red all over? A Nazi banner.

Whats funnier than 24. ... DEEZ NUTS.

Whats worse then 15 missed calls from your mom?, The Holocaust

what sad about 4 mexican dieing in a car crash??? My car

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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