Why did the student fail his test? He forget to study for it the night before.

Why does Joel get so many numbers from girls? Because he asks for them nicely.

what is the difference betweeb 69 and 77? 8

A guy punched himself. He then said ouch.


Why shouldnt you take the virginity of a 14 year old? Their pre-frontal lobe is not developed enough to sufficiently judge the affect of this action on their life.

whats worse than the holocaust ? ms.brinkmann? noo close....a black guy trying toget a job.

Why did the chicken cross the road? The chicken never made it across the road because it was hit by a car with a driver who is obsessed with abusing animals.

what is white on top and black on the bottom? Society

Why did the fat man cross the road? Because he felt that being overweight, he had to do something about it and go to the gym.

What has wheels and is green all over? Grass... I was just kidding about the wheels.

How many black people does it take to tar a roof? Just one. Unless he wants to do it in a shorter amount of time and calls a few friends to help him.

2 guys walk on the street and see a pile of crap. One says "That looks like crap." The other one stops and looks at it for a few seconds and says "You're right it is crap." They both avoided stepping on the pile of crap and continued on their walk.

Why do mexicans eat tacos? Because they're good

"Hey dude, wanna come with me??" "Sure! Where????" "To the gorcery store, I need to buy a couple of lemons."

How do you get a bear out of tree? You shoot it

What did the little boy say to his malignant tumour? "Hello" The tumour did not respond.

How many mice does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Two, but I don't know how they got in there.

What did the kid with no arms and no legs get for Christmas? Cancer

Roses are red, Violets are red, I stabbed someone in my garden, There's blood everywhere

2 mentally, unstable , woman visit the cinema , and watched "The Sweeney,"they really enjoyed it

Why did the man staple his own scrotum to his left thigh? He didn't. His friends did.

Why did the room go dark? Somebody turned the lights off

what is the difference between joe diragi and jerry sandusky sabdusky only targets human little boys

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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