I pooped my pants

What did the farmer say when he lost his tractor? "Where's my tractor?"

I walked into a dark ally at night and ran into 2 black men They severely beat me then while unconscious brutally raped me. I then spent 5 weeks in the hospital in a deep coma.

How can you tell if someone is gay? It depends, sometimes they can be flamboyant or not. Actually, one could be straight and still be flamboyant, that's what makes the world less boring. Everyone is different, there's no surefire way of knowing, unless of course they tell you that they're gay.

if yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too. Cna yuo raed tihs?

Did you hear about the black guy who went to college? No? Well, he graduated in 4 years with a degree in chemical engineering due to his diligence and good work ethic. He now has a well paying job that allows him to support his wife and two kids and to pay the mortgage on their large home.

Gary Busey walk into a bar. Everyone Ran out noticing the potential danger.

Q: What did Batman say to Robin before he got in the car? A: "Get in the car."

How do you kill a blonde? Pull the pin and throw it back...then proceed to paint yourself green and throw forks at her.

"Knock Knock" "Who's there?" "Interrupting Doctor" "Interrupting Doc-" "You have Cancer'

why was the teenage girl crying? She was molested as a child

Why did the chicken cross the road? Some wild chickens have regular seasonal migration patterns that might require them to cross a road while traveling south. Wild chicken movements include those made in response to changes in food availability, habitat or weather.

What looks like a flower, smells like a flower, and feels like a flower, but isn't a flower? Just kidding it's a flower

What did the orange say to the apple? “To be sentient is truly unbearable without sexual organs.”

What did Obama do when he heard of Bin Ladins death? He informed the nation of what had happend.

What do your friends and a tree have in common? They both die if you set them on fire.

What did 0 say to 8? Nice belt

I hate cripple jokes! I just can't stand them!

Where do black guys sit in the bus? Enywhere theres a free seat

Whats worse then any minority? inter-minority breeding.

How do you get rid of Herpes? You can't.

Why did the chicken cross the road? Because he wanted to.

How you your turn a trashcan into a semi-automatic AK-47? You don't. But ask the irishman who just said "hello" to you.

Me: Hey mom Mom: Hey Son Me: Whats? for dinner? Mom: I dont know

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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