Why couldn't Sally ride a bicycle? She doesn't have a bicycle. She also doesn't have legs.

whos best at KS3 irish and is sexy? tiarnan i lied about the sexy part

Whats black and flys out of a car? Pupies stuffed in a bag.

What do you call a gay Chinese math teacher? A gay Chinese math teacher.

Yanter, Look it up

whats shaped like a tree. A tree.

What do you call a fat guy running on the street? Nothing because you should respect his effort trying to improve his health.

why was the man on the roof? he was about to commit suicide.

"Whats your favorite number?" "9." "Is it because thats your jersey number." "Thats my jersey number?"

Q: What's worse than ten babies tied to ten trees? A: One baby tied to ten trees.

0 + 0 = 0

Brain fart

Asians are a lot like spongebob They're terrible at driving and good at karate.

Why did the plane crash? Because the pilot was a loaf of bread.

Solvemedia fun: It says happy trails, a good one. Then it says Your answer below. ANSWER TO WHAT? To happy trails? Is that even a question? Is this world gonna explode? Is Santa real? Will Jesus ever return? I This and much more in the next exciting episode of Dragon NutZ SEE!

What do you get when you combine Seth Rogen and Harrison Ford? A very risky and expensive medical experiment.

So Bob walked into his house after a long day at work and layed a rope on his bed. A few hours later his wife came home and found a beautiful tire swing in their backyard but her husband shot him self in his throat.

Why did the rapist go to the girl's dorm? He wanted to apologise for his crimes, and brought them all a drink. It was spiked, he raped them

Your momma so stupid that it's really inspiring she managed to overcome her limitations and raise such a wonderful family.

How do you kill a bunch of flies in one swat? Smack an African kid in the face.

roses are red violets are red? trees are red!? who the hell cut themselves?

An Irishman, a Jew, an Asian, and a Priest all walk into a bar This is an example of a well-balanced community

Q:Whats big, red and eats rocks? A: A big red rock eater

Why did the little girl fail her test? She had mental retardation.

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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We've just released huge update to the iOS app! Now, access all your favorite text and photo sites like Anti-Joke, DIYLOL! A few things didn't make the original cut (like comments) but they'll be back soon. Best of all, the app is now FREE! Get it here.

The Anti Joke Book

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