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Are You A Zombie?

  • Haha my dad told me this joke!! And to all the people hating on this guy for posting it^^^ Grow up it's an effing joke, because if we left it up to you political correctness nazis, we would be just as oppressed as past societies from the slave trade to nazi Germany to even today North Korea. So to you OP, I say Bravo

  • You piece of shit i hope your babies all die

  • To the Guy who said "I hope your babies all die"- You're a legend

  • I am going to your house and eating your first-born child! after i do your mom.


  • That's just creul

  • It's a joke, not a dick. Don't take it so hard!

  • 34 by 44 inches is the size of chuck norise's dick

  • That is rude especially because my grandfather was in the holocaust.

  • This is horrible and not funny

  • Fuck you ya little windy pussy.Its a joke !

  • Wow, butthurt retards. Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Holocaust is still a sensitive topic, but when someone mentions Hiroshima & Nagasaki nobody cares. Not even the Japanese themselves vow revenge against the assholes who did it. Arabs are also semites, & when someone cracks a terrorist/Muslim/Osama joke everyone laughs, yet when someone cracks a Jew joke suddenly it's anti-semitism?! Wow, just wow... Heh, this reminds me of that Volkswagen joke.

  • Omg.. Everyone over reacts Jesus

  • "first off this isn't a joke, second off you stole it, and third off you are probably a low life loser sitting in his parents basement playing World of warcraft " I play WoW :(

  • this is an ANTI JOKE website. Retard.

  • tuberculosis

  • Im jewish asshole

  • Dumbass. The Holocaust isn't something to joke about, seven million people died and meanwhile you're laughing about it.

Anti Joke

What are Antijokes? Anti Jokes (or Anti Humor) is a type of comedy in which the uses is set up to expect a typical joke setup however the joke ends with such anticlimax that it becomes funny in its own right. The lack of punchline is the punchline.

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